"; $prof["Fixer"] = "Yeah, I can hook you up... for a modest price of course."; $prof["Trader"] = "I'll swap you two units of Notum for your cookies."; $afil["Omni-Tek"] = ""; $afil["Neutral"] = ""; $afil["Clan"] = ""; // Figure out who should be checked and all that. while(list($key, $val) = each($race)) { $key2 = "race_" . $key; if (!$$key2) { $chk[$key] = 0; } else { $chk[$key] = 1; $option[] = $key; } } if (!sizeof($option)) { reset($race); while(list($key, $val) = each($race)) { $chk[$key] = 1; $option[] = $key; } } while(list($key, $val) = each($prof)) { $key2 = "prof_" . $key; if (!$$key2) { $chk2[$key] = 0; } else { $chk2[$key] = 1; $option2[] = $key; } } if (!sizeof($option2)) { reset($prof); while(list($key, $val) = each($prof)) { $chk2[$key] = 1; $option2[] = $key; } } while(list($key, $val) = each($afil)) { $key2 = "afil_" . $key; if (!$$key2) { $chk3[$key] = 0; } else { $chk3[$key] = 1; $option3[] = $key; } } if (!sizeof($option3)) { reset($afil); while(list($key, $val) = each($afil)) { $chk3[$key] = 1; $option3[] = $key; } } if ($Random) { if ((sizeof($option) < 1) || (sizeof($option2) < 1)) { $results = "Got to make a decision someday! :)"; } else { mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); if (sizeof($option) == 1) { $pick = 0; } else { $pick = mt_rand(0,sizeof($option)-1); } if (sizeof($option2) == 1) { $pick2 = 0; } else { $pick2 = mt_rand(0,sizeof($option2)-1); } if (sizeof($option3) == 1) { $pick3 = 0; } else { $pick3 = mt_rand(0,sizeof($option3)-1); } $the_race = $option[$pick]; $the_prof = $option2[$pick2]; $the_afil = $option3[$pick3]; $quote = $prof[$the_prof]; $results .= "
$the_afil"; $results .= "
$the_race"; $results .= "
$the_prof"; $results .= "

\"$quote\""; } } require($DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/includes/top.php"); ?>
Uncheck the the species/professions that you aren't interested in playing. Then press the button!  No fair rerolling! ;)

"; echo "$key
"; } ?>
"; echo "$key
"; } ?>
"; echo "$key
"; } ?>

"; } ?>
"; require($DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/includes/bottom.php"); ?>